
4th Community Workshop 2024: Celebrating Four Years of AI Excellence

4th Community Workshop 2024: Celebrating Four Years of AI Excellence

The 4th Community Workshop 2024 marks a significant milestone in the journey of AI research excellence and foresight within the European Networks of Excellence Centres in AI and Robotics (AI NoEs).

Scheduled for June 26th – 27th at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – CERTH in Thessaloniki, Greece, this event is designed to celebrate four years of building excellence and to envision the lasting impact of the AI NoEs.

Hosted by CERTH and co-organized by all the NoEs, the workshop will feature a dedicated day focused on AI and education. The overarching goal is to foster collaborations within the NoEs’ community and discuss strategies to maximize the impact of NoE research in 2025 and beyond.

This two-day workshop provides a vital forum for sharing ideas, best practices, and sustaining collaborative activities beyond the NoEs’ lifetime. While primarily targeted at the NoEs community, the event welcomes a broader audience interested in AI research.

Participants can learn and register for online attendance to engage in insightful exchanges here.



This work is supported by the AGIMUS project funded by the European Union under GA no.101070165. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
