Public deliverables

Public deliverables will be online as soon as they are available.


D1.1 Agile Production Deep Dive Analysis for next generation robotics by design (M9)

A report outlining the findings of the mapping exercise and the respective analysis conducted during T1.1 along with the methodology employed to produce them, along with the ethical, trustworthy, and secure by-design principles extracted during T1.2, including end-user and Advisory Board engagement activities and their results.

D2.1 Efficient and versatile differentiable simulator - First Version (12)

The first version of the efficient and versatile differentiable physics simulation software developed through T2.1

D2.2 Efficient and versatile differentiable simulator - Final Version (24)

The updated and final version of D2.1 for the efficient and versatile differentiable physics simulation software developed through T2.1

D2.3 Trajectory optimizer with contact invariance (12)

The first version of the trajectory optimisation software developed able to handle hard equality and inequality constraints (T2.2) by incorporating also contact invariance techniques (T2.3)

D2.4 Trajectory optimizer with constraints and task-and-motion planner (30)

The updated and final version of D2.3, refining the trajectory optimisation software with task-and-motion planning and exploring energy efficiency as a performance criteria (T2.3).

D3.1 Planner guided by demonstration extracted from a monocular camera - First Version (12)

First version of the planning software guided by demonstration extracted from a monocular camera developed through T3.1

D3.1 Planner guided by demonstration extracted from a monocular camera - First Version (27)

Updated and final version of D3.1, refining the planning software guided by demonstration extracted from a monocular camera developed through T3.1 and refined through T3.3

D3.3 Motion dataset from the planner created through supervised learning (24)

A first version of a motion dataset module (T3.2), that memorizes trajectories from the task and motion planner (T3.4) and is able to generate a set of various trajectories that are automatically adapted to a given scenario at the inference time.

D3.4 Motion dataset from the planner updated through RL (36)

An updated and final version of a motion dataset module (T3.2), updated automatically through an RL algorithm developed through T3.4 for better and faster handling unseen situations.

D4.1 6D object pose estimation (12)

A high-accuracy and robust vision perception module for estimating object 6D pose, as developed through T4.1

D4.2 6D object pose estimation with a partial view and physical priors (24)

Updated version of the vision perception module from D4.1, as developed through T4.1 using updated modules from WP2 and WP3

D4.3 6D object pose estimation generalizing to unseen objects (36)

Updated and final version of the vision perception module from D4.2, as developed through T4.1 using updated modules from WP2 and WP3 to address unseen objects.

D4.4 Sensor-driven MPC with visual-haptic feedback - First Version (27)

First version of the sensor-driven MPC controller with visual-haptic feedback, as developed through T4.3

D4.5 Sensor-driven MPC with contact invariance - Final Version (38)

Updated and final version of the sensor-driven MPC controller with contact, as refined and developed through T4.3

D4.6 Report on advanced method for sensor-feedback MPC and RL (38)

A report elaborating on the implementation of a parallel “tracking and mapping” process during T4.4, bridging the gap between MPC and RL

D5.1 Specification of the AGIMUS Testing Zones, Robots and Skills (12)

A report elaborating on the specifications of the three AGIMUS testing zones, the requirements and upgrades for the available and developed robotic systems, as well as the specification and design of the use cases for the deploying and testing the necessary robotic skills, as defined through T5.1 and T5.2

D5.2 Preparation, integration, and testing at AGIMUS testing zones – First Version (27)

A report elaborating on the preparation, integration, and testing processes at the AGIMUS testing zones for deploying and evaluating the required robotic skills during T5.3, T5.4, and T5.5. Upgrades to the AGIMUS robotic systems under T5.2 will also be included in this report.

D5.3 Preparation, integration, and testing at AGIMUS testing zones – Final Version (40)

An updated and final version of D5.2 refining the preparation, integration and testing processes at the AGIMUS testing zones for deploying and evaluating the required robotic skills during T5.3, T5.4 and T5.5. Final upgrades to the AGIMUS robotic systems under T5.2 will also be included in this report.

D5.4 Final skill performance assessment through stress-testing scenarios (36)

A skill performance assessment report for the robotic skills deployed and evaluated at the three AGIMUS testing zones based on the designed (T5.1) and deployed (T5.3, T5.4, and T5.5) stress-testing scenarios.

D6.1 Specification of the industrial pilot case studies (18)

A report consolidating the specification of the three AGIMUS pilot case studies under T6.1.

D7.1 Dissemination and Communication Plan and Activities - First Version (3)

A report elaborating on the strategy, plan, and actions to be undertaken under T7.1 and T7.4 with respect to dissemination, communication, synergies, and knowledge sharing activities of the project. The report will also include specific qualitative and quantitative targets to be met by the respective activities of the project throughout its course.

D7.2 Dissemination and Communication Plan and Activities - Second Version (24)

The updated version of D7.1 fine-tuning as appropriate the strategy, plan and actions to be undertaken under T7.1 and T7.4 with respect to dissemination, communication, synergies, and knowledge sharing activities of the project. The report will also update, if necessary, the targets to be met by the respective activities of the project throughout its course.

D7.3 Dissemination and Communication Plan and Activities - Final Version (48)

The updated and final version of D7.2 fine-tuning as appropriate the strategy, plan and actions to be undertaken under T7.1 and T7.4 with respect to dissemination, communication, synergies, and knowledge sharing activities of the project. The report will also update, if necessary, the targets to be met by the respective activities of the project throughout its course

D8.2 Data Management Plan - First Version (3)

A report produced under T8.3. The report will outline the data to be collected / generated during the project as well as the data management methodology and plan to be followed across their life cycle in order to ensure their sound and FAIR management in line with applicable legislation at national and EU level.

D8.3 Data Management Plan - Second Version (24)

The interim updated version of the Data Management Plan. This version will build upon and update D8.2 to reflect any newly identified data that were collected / generated during the project as well as any changes in data previously identified and/or the methodology and plans of AGIMUS for sound and FAIR data management.

D8.4 Data Management Plan - Final Version (48)

The updated and final version of the Data Management Plan. This final version will build upon and update D8.3 to reflect any newly identified data that were collected / generated during the project as well as any changes in data previously identified and/or the methodology and plans of AGIMUS for sound and FAIR data management.


Funded by the European Union under GA no.101070165. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.