
1st Industry Collaboration and Transfer Exchange on AI

1st Industry Collaboration and Transfer Exchange on AI

AGIMUS is thrilled to announce the 1st Transfer Congress "Industry and Collaboration Exchange – From Research to Market," set to be held on the 6th and 7th of May 2024.

Hosted on-site at the newly inaugurated Innovation Center in Saarbrücken, this landmark event is spearheaded by the TAILOR industry collaboration and transfer group, with co-organization from CERTAIN, CLAIRE, DFKI, TNO, and VISION.  

The primary focus of this congress is to foster collaboration and facilitate the seamless transfer of knowledge and expertise between industry and academia in the realm of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI). With a spotlight on bridging the gap between industry needs and research capabilities, the event promises to deliver inspiring keynote speeches, interactive workshops, and discussions encompassing the latest trends and challenges in AI implementation.

The structured sessions will offer participants a comprehensive overview of current industry trends and academic innovations, enabling fruitful collaborations that extend beyond the confines of the event. Networking opportunities abound, allowing attendees to forge meaningful connections and explore potential partnerships that hold the promise of shaping the future of AI.

For further details and registration, please visit the official event page here.

Be fast and register by 12 April 2024. Places are limited!


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